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hiding dog

From Dog Training 101:

When a dog has a storm phobia or thunder fright, it is important that dog owners understand what does and does not work when it comes to helping the dog overcome this fear.

Ways to Help a Dog Overcome Fear of Thunderstorms

In addition to not reinforcing the dog’s fear in any way, there are a few things that dog owners can try that may help the dog overcome its irrational fears about storms.

1. Provide a safe comfortable place for the dog to go and hide. This may be a special blanket behind a chair, a cozy closet or a dog crate. Whatever it is, this needs to be a place that the dog can go to and feel safe, so never use this place for punishment.

2. Associate good things with storms. When a storm comes, get a special toy or treat out and distract the dog from the storm. It is important not to simply give the dog a treat when it becomes fearful as this will reinforce the fact that the storm is scary. Instead, distract the dog and provide treats only when the dog relaxes for a moment.

3. Speak to the veterinarian. It is important that dog owners rule out any type of physical problem that may be caused by the storm. Perhaps the dog has arthritis that always hurts when a storm moves in, causing the dog to fear the storm because it causes pain. If everything is ruled out, the vet will also be able to provide some guidance as to medications that may help the dog relax during a storm.

Desensitizing the dog to the storm does not often work well as it is very difficult to slowly build up and mimic the exact conditions of a storm. Additionally, it is vital for dog owners to keep a watchful eye on their pet as dogs can hear the storm coming from much further away than humans can, so the dog may start acting fearful long before the first rumble of thunder is heard.